Vision 405 – The Storm that Was Created By A Principality/Planting The Flag Of Lion Of Judah/Another Vision Of US Naval BattleShip Attack/The Scroll With Good News

Vision #405 June 17/24 Mon evg The Storm that Was Created By A Principality/Planting The Flag Of Lion Of Judah/Another Vision Of US Naval BattleShip Attack/The Scroll With Good News

 I was worshipping the Lord Jesus in the Throne Room to Kim Walker Smith- Trample Shilo Ben Hod- You Deserve The Glory – Steffany Gretzinger- Holy  I began to pray for all that I’m burdened with and then leave it at His feet. There’s so much but I take one thing at a time and pray it through and move on to the next until it’s done. Don’t look at the clock!

VISION:  I came to my familiar river. I walked through the trees and shrubs that lined the water. I saw Jesus standing in the water next to a toy wooden boat. I noticed it was hand carved and knew He had done the work Himself. The boat floated near him. In His hands was a long rod of some kind. He dipped one end into the water and began to swirl the water with it.  As the water began to swirl around and around, some of the water became rough and poured into the toy boat. It reminded me of a boat in a storm. In this case, Jesus was showing me that He created the storm. I knew a lesson was coming. But then He opened my eyes to a different perspective. Before me was a huge Greek god-like figure in the clouds. He was built like a Hercules- super muscular- with white hair and a big white beard. He had fierce dark eyes and wore tightly fitted golden armour that revealed all his formed muscles. At first I thought he was some kind of high ranking angel but my spirit said otherwise- he was not of God.  He began swirling his rod in the clouds which was over a body of water. The clouds became dark and a storm was created. Not far from him was an old wooden boat with a single sail and several men in it sailing in the water. I saw the storm form quickly and come up fast upon them. The waves became high and when a wave overpowered the boat, water poured in. The boat was in trouble.  

INTERPRETATION:  I was reminded of the storm that Jesus and His disciples encountered when they sailed from Capernaum to the territory of the Gadarenes/Garasenes/Gergasa. (Matt 8:23-28 Mark 4:35-5:1 and Luke 8:22-26). Jesus fell asleep in the boat during the journey and as the storm intensified, His disciples became fearful as water was coming into the boat. After waking Jesus, He rebuked the wind and the rough water and they became still. Jesus then firmly said to them, “Where is your faith?”

 Jesus then said to me, “The enemy tried to use the storm to prevent us from getting to the other side. He has power, but in Me, you have the power and the authority to subdue the enemy.”  I believe Jesus was teaching me that the demonic realm can mess with the weather and cause trouble in the natural realm- they can copy some things to some degree as we see the Greek-like god that represents a demonic principality, created storm clouds and caused trouble for the disciples. Lord Jesus demonstrated that the enemy’s power is nothing compared to the power of the Lord God, which is in us through His Son, Jesus Messiah. In Luke 10:18-21 Jesus said, “I saw satan fall from heaven like lightning. I have given you ALL AUTHORITY IN MY NAME to trample on snakes, scorpions and serpents and nothing by any means will harm you. But don’t rejoice that the spirits submit to you, rather rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.” (font in all capitals is my own doing, not scripture)

 Jesus is awakening His Bride to understand they have the authority to accomplish what He demonstrated while He was on earth including calming the wind and the waves. Indeed, He said that we would be doing even greater things than these! John 14:12. I believe God is encouraging us by faith and trust in Him to walk out this authority in love, boldness and confidence doing the works of the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The Holy Spirit has been quenched for a long time in some places but God is contending for His Bride. Putting fear and unbelief under my feet is definitely a journey that I’m walking out but in Him, with Him and through Him, I am able!  

The Lord Jesus reminded me that sometimes the enemy will create waves or a storm in our lives to attempt to intimidate, distract, sabotage, derail, confuse us, or do anything to prevent us from completing our kingdom work on earth. Their assignments are to cause us to fail in our heavenly assignments. They will throw darts at us to focus on the problem so we forget the authority we have to bind and rebuke the enemy. Jesus was our greatest role model to walk out His ministry, the kingdom work. This kingdom work hasn’t changed; we are still called to do what Jesus did 2000 years ago. We know that God does not change (Malachi 3:6) and He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8) and that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Rom 8:11) also delivered people of demons, healed the sick, allowed Peter to walk on the water, caused the blind to see and other miracles is the same Spirit that is working in signs, wonders and miracles today.

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