Vision 397- More On The Making Of A Fishers of Men/Remain Steadfast in Your Assignments/Another Warning of More Calamites of Fires and Future Fires of Trumpet #1 and Very Soon Seal #4- Coming Global Illness and Increase Of Fatal Animal Attacks/The Earthquake In Area of A Suspension Bridge: Possible Golden BC

Vision #397 Nov 6/23 mon evg  More On The Making Of A Fishers of Men/Remain Steadfast in Your Assignments/Another Warning of More Calamites of Fires and Future Fires of Trumpet #1 and Very Soon Seal #4- Coming Global Illness and Increase Of Fatal Animal Attacks/The Earthquake In Area of A Suspension Bridge: Possible Golden BC

I was worshipping the Lord Jesus in His Throne Room to Elevation Worship- I Trust in You and The Color- After My Heart The Lord has been calling me to deeper intimacy and is “after my heart.” This is the greatest message I can encourage you with right now. God is calling us back to the garden where He walked and had intimate fellowship with Adam and Eve.

I began to pray and intercede for so many issues, particularly Israel. Israel is heavy on my heart. Sigh.

Vision: Towards the end of my prayer time, I saw myself by that familiar clear river where I meet Jesus. I saw Him at the river’s edge among the trees and grasses casting a fishing line. He did this several times and each time He cast His line, He caught a small fish and put it in the silver pail that was next to Him on His left. The sizes of the small fish varied in thickness and length but I would consider them small. Then Jesus picked up the pail and gathered His fishing rod and I understood that we were moving to another place to fish. We walked to an area where the river was a larger body of water; deeper and wider. Jesus then put one of the small fish on the end of the line, like bait and cast it into the water. He passed the rod to me and we waited. I didn’t wait long as the bait was taken and the rod jerked hard in my hand moving me forward a little. I had to brace myself. Together with Jesus, we brought in a huge fish.  

Interpretation: This vision reminded of the childhood song based on Matt 4:19: “I will make you fishers of men.”  I’ve had a previous vision of this #368.  It is possible that the small fish are younger or older people who have newly accepted the gospel of Christ and are young in their faith.  The fishing rod and casting may possibly be words, actions or prayer; the sown seeds by people like me and others who have influenced them in the kingdom of God. I noticed that He repeatedly kept fishing at the same spot several times before we moved on. I believe this could represent the walking out the faith in action- practicing the gospel of the kingdom of heaven- all what He modeled in His ministry. We moved to a different spot which I think represents a more challenging of faith and walk. We’ve practiced with what we have learned in the beginning and now having matured and learned from what we did, we are ready to cast for bigger fish. Maybe this represents a larger territory or sphere or also leveling up in maturity; ready for more challenging circumstances. I recall when I first began walking in my anointing, I was taught that as I could be trusted with the little, more would be given.  In turn, faith matured as did the gifts. We are growing from glory to glory as we are not meant to stay in the same level. I noticed that in both areas, Jesus’ Presence was with me. We are never alone and are not to do any ministry in our own strength as that leads to a spiraling downfall of self reliance; relying on your own wisdom and power which enables striving and eventually frustration, weariness, exhaustion and burnout and even the possibility of walking away from our intended ministry. Self reliance is also working independently from God and is a form of rebellion to Him. It’s not fully trusting or submitting that His way is better for our lives.  When we remain humble before the Lord, it keeps pride in check and allows the Lord to work in our hearts so we can complete the assignments He has called us to do with Him. I know I’ve written this quote a couple of times before by Rick Joyner but it remains helpful today just as it did when I read it 7 years ago:

“When you are yoked with Christ, carrying the burdens that He gives you, He will be WITH you and carry them FOR, you. You can only do His work when you are doing it WITH Him, not just FOR Him. (Pg. 123 of The Final Quest By Rick Joyner).

Vision: Armoured up with my sword in my sheath, I found my horse waiting for me just near the stream, and off I went towards the mountain. There was an army gathering and we began to climb up on the well worn path. I looked up and noticed a warrior falling over my head like he had been thrown. He landed behind me and was attended to by others. I looked higher up to see where he could have fallen. A large principality was fighting against a large group of warriors and then the angels came to assist us.  I joined the battle.  The enemy seemed to be a mighty demon but with God, the hosts of heaven and the warriors, it had to give way and it left for a time. There was victory but I understood that it was important not to give up praying even in the lull. The battle wasn’t over yet. Continue in the assignments God gives you until they are completed or until God says to stop. Oh the power of faithful intercession!! The warrior that was thrown became injured. This could have been for a number of reasons but ultimately, it’s a heart posture towards God, keeping in the Word and knowing who you are in Christ that keeps you alert and battle ready.

Vision: I got to the top of the mountain, found my eagle and off I flew while proclaiming Ps 91. I noticed a lot of flames and structures on fire below me. As we descended, I was watching a boat in the middle of a body of water surrounded by forest on either side that was on fire. The boat had people in it and I understood they were trying to escape the fires.

Interpretation: I went to the white bench and asked Jesus about all the fires that I saw. It seemed everything was burning! He reminded me of Rev 8:7. This is the first Trumpet yet to come. I’ve had a previous vision of the first trumpet: #288. I understood that the smoke from the areas on fire will be seen from space.

I understood that the global fires that we have been experiencing are not the first trumpet. These are part of the calamities that God is allowing to shake and awaken the people to the times we are in and to draw them back to Him. These fires will continue to occur yet before the first trumpet. 

Jesus also reminded me of Seal #4 – previous vision #287. He warned that there will be another global illness coming which is the plague of Seal #4. I have had several previous visions regarding this global virus which according to Jesus who warned me through several visions, ”Another virus is coming- one that presents like covid but it is worse…The vaccinations that you get now will not help. More vaccinations will be produced but do not take them. They are part of the beast system….” #239 #251, #253 #272 #324 #365, #395. This is to happen “Very soon.”

Jesus also reminded me that there will also be an increase of fatal animal attacks on people which is part of Seal #4.

Scripture: Rev 8:6 “The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. NIV

Seal #4 Rev 6:8 And I looked and I saw the pale horse. Its rider’s name was death, and hades followed close behind. And he was given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, by famine, by plague and by the beasts of the earth.

Vision: I went down the stairs, greeted my greeter group and walked over to where the others had already gathered. I looked up at the screen. It opened up and I saw the ground, rocks and forest shift and separate like what occurs during an earthquake. The land continued to crack and shift, to the point that one side shifted much higher than the other.  There were mountains in the distant background. Suddenly a thick steel cable whipped past me.  I was allowed to hear the sound of it snapping and whip. It must have been under a lot of pressure in order to do that. Then I looked to my right to see where the cable came from; and I saw part of a suspension bridge collapse from the intense shaking.  

Interpretation: I went to look at suspension bridges. I found the one at Golden, BC, Canada best fit the description I saw. The bridge has the thick steel cable I saw and is surrounded by rocks, forest and mountains in the background. I asked Jesus if this earthquake was related to past visions I saw in the BC, Canada area and He replied, “Yes, daughter. #252, #315, #332.  There will be earthquakes that will affect Vancouver and the Northwest Subduction Zone but I believe this earthquake is separate as it’s further into BC.  

Message: Jesus said: “My message remains the same: through calamity I Am calling the people to repent and return to Me. My heart is about relationship and intimacy but they have rejected Me. They go their own way, seeking the pleasures of life instead of seeking Me. Pray for the people that the spirits of the age will be exposed.  Wake up church to the times we are in! Come out of the world for you have been set apart! Who has seduced you? You cannot drink both the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons! Come now, return to your first love and be restored. If you can’t stand firm in your faith now, you won’t be standing at all when things get worse. I Am your Shield, Fortress and Safety in times of trouble. In Me you can rest when the world rages.”   

Jesus warned us first in His Word that there would be trouble. It’s one thing to know it but it’s our response that actually matters. It’s about who you turn to when you’re hit with fear, anxious thoughts or stress. What or who do you place your trust in? Read Ps 91. It’s my fav Psalm. I would encourage you to listen to this song – Shadow of Shaddai by Steffany Gretzinger  

Scripture: Is 53:6, 2 Tim 3: 1-5, Jer 29:13, 1 Tim 4:1-2, Eph 2:2, 2 Cor 4:4, Gal 3:1, Matt 24, Is 7:9 Is 1:18, Rev 2:4 Ps 146:3 Ps 118:8 Ps 91

Photos of Golden Skybridge, Golden BC, Canada

4 Replies to “Vision 397- More On The Making Of A Fishers of Men/Remain Steadfast in Your Assignments/Another Warning of More Calamites of Fires and Future Fires of Trumpet #1 and Very Soon Seal #4- Coming Global Illness and Increase Of Fatal Animal Attacks/The Earthquake In Area of A Suspension Bridge: Possible Golden BC”

  1. The space for your subscribers to comment is too small! It looks like one thin line at the bottom of the prophesies.

    The vision concerning a suspension bridge reminded me of the Golden Gate Bridge in California.

    Sent from my iPad



    1. Hi Dottie, Thanks for your reply. I’m not aware of the one line to respond to a vision. It’s my understanding that the line does not represent how much you can write. I’ve had readers responding with paragraphs. I’m not sure how to fix that as it’s possible that is the way the blog is set up by the website. But I will pass this on to the manager of my blog to see if there’s anything that can be done to make responding more visible. Thanks again.

      That’s interesting thought about the Golden Gate Bridge but the the bridge I saw that was being destroyed was a suspension bridge size for people and there was forest around it.
      Blessings Sharlene


      1. Thank you for your prompt response.

        We did check your website this evening and that problem with a thin line for any replies has not changed as of yet.

        Have a Peaceful & Blessed Day in Jesus Name!!! ☝️❤️

        Sent from my iPad



      2. Hi Dottie, I help Shar with this site. Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. I did some testing and when I try to comment we see a large text blocks without limitations so I am a little confused. Can you please send me a screenshot? It would help us understand what you are seeing when you try to comment. Thank you.


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