Vision 344 – 8th Vision of Jerusalem Burning/Interceding For The Canadian Senate/Vision of Effects of the Prophetic Truth Bomb/Vision of God’s Glory in The Senate Room

Vision #344 Feb 21, 22 & 23/22 Wed    8th Vision of Jerusalem Burning/Interceding For The Canadian Senate/Vision of Effects of the Prophetic Truth Bomb/Vision of God’s Glory in The Senate Room

This vision was divided into 3 days as I couldn’t complete it all on Monday, Feb 21. It’s been a busy week with all the intercessory prayer regarding our nation of Canada. It’s been heavy on my heart and my spirit.

I was praising and worshiping the Lord Jesus in the Throne Room as I always do. I was singing along to Worthy  I began to pray. There is much to pray for around the world. The enemy is intimidating and it appears he is winning but we know better. God’s agenda will prevail! He’s doing a great work even now. There is much going on in the spiritual realm that we are unaware of.  He is waiting for the perfect time to move and through it, He will receive all glory. I know many of you have been battling and are weary. We must wait patiently in Him while we continue to intercede, trusting in His promises. He is our Champion. Our Deliverer. Our Comforter. The God of Justice. He is very aware of all those who are weary, burdened, afflicted, persecuted, sorrowful and oppressed. Turn your eyes on Him and let Him fill you with ALL that HE is. I would encourage you to set some time aside and be still before him. I’ve been listening to praise and worship instrumental soaking music to help me to focus and remove distractions. I have mentioned this before. Here’s one that I have been using lately:

I came to my mountain. I saw the group of warriors in armour on their white horses walking towards the mountain. I noticed that there were a few of the warriors lying on their horses, looking wounded. The group stopped as many came to those who were afflicted and ministered to them. Those that were well, waited patiently while those who were being ministered to were able to get back up on their horses. This touched me and I wept seeing it. Oh, how the body of Christ attends to the needs of each other as Jesus desires. That is His heart. When one hurts or is wounded we all feel it. And we use the gifts each has been given by God to minister; not excluding any gift. 1 Cor 12:26  I would encourage you to read All of 1 Cor 12. When we got to the base of the mountain, we dismounted and ascended as we always do; assisting and encouraging one another. I noticed a few drew their swords and let out a good yell. It motivated us all. This made me smile. “I pulled out my sword and yelled along with them, “For Adonai and His glory!” Up we charged, got to the top, found our eagles and off we went while proclaiming Ps 91. We were all together and came to the Ottawa Parliament building in Canada. Many warriors were with me. I saw the House of Commons and those debating the Emergency Act. I declared a release and a pouring out of God’s truth over the government. Let truth and righteousness reign! Let the captives be set free and the walls of corruption, lies, deceit, manipulation, control and fear come down in Jesus name!

I heard the Lord say, “Trust in My promises. I know it’s hard but this is the time that I’m stretching your faith and trust muscles. There is an unravelling occurring just as I told you before. You need to trust in what I Am doing and will be doing. It’s a little ways off, but It’s coming. Wait and watch what I Am doing. Until then, continue to press in prayer. Be patient.”

Earlier in the day, I joined an intercessory prayer group for a couple of hours on The Canadian Firewall. During the time of praise and prayer, we performed a prophetic act:  we all threw prophetic bombs of truth at the Parliament building in Ottawa. And while we did that, I saw in a vision, the windows of the parliament building blow out. It was awesome!

Feb 22/22 Tues am. I was interceding for the senators of Canada in Ottawa. I asked God to give them wisdom to know the Emergency Act is wrong and helped them be brave and confident to vote against it.  Jesus told me to “Look up.” (my head was down as I was praying) I looked up and saw a room with political figures sitting on more modern chairs (than those in the House of Commons) with microphones in front of them. I had a close-up of one in particular and I recognized him as a Canadian Senator; the Hon Don Plett. I noticed another senator well-spaced on either side of him but did not see their faces. It seems I was only shown one face. Then I noticed the room become full of light. I saw an angel stand behind the Hon. Don Plett in a protective stance. I saw that there were other angels in the room; how many I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t see them all but I understood there were many. The room became full of God’s glory. It was beautiful. Then I looked up from the floor and noticed a hideous evil entity clinging to the ceiling. It looked fearful. The only time I like to see evil is when they are scared! Amen! Then I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Be at peace, daughter.”  And I left the vision encouraged.  

Feb 23/22 Wed am. I was worshiping and flagging to John Wilds Worthy is the Lamb/Holy Worship I saw myself flagging wearing a light pink shimmery robe in a vast room before the Lord. I saw the high white columns to my far right and left that were strategically spaced in a row. I was in the middle of the vast space with the Lord God beyond me where there was veiled brilliant light. When I was done, I bowed before Him quietly while listening to the instrumental soaking music. An angel approached me. I recognized him. But I didn’t ask his name. I kindly asked him to say that the Lord God Almighty is his Master and he has no other. He was kind enough to oblige me. The angel said, “Daughter, servant of the Most High God, come and look.” I got up and followed him before where God sat and looked out.

I saw myself with the angel as we were overlooking Jerusalem mid-air. Then I was in my perspective looking with the angel beside me on my right. I saw Jerusalem burning but not all of it. Then my perspective changed and I saw many people screaming and running, seeking shelter. There was chaos.   Then I heard the angel, who spoke on behalf of the Lord say,

 “My inheritance will soon be under attack. It’s retaliation for the destructive strike of Damascus. But it’s what the enemy will be waiting for to justify the attack on Israel. It will be Russia backed by others. Israel will not be attacked with a nuclear weapon. But Jerusalem will burn from a missile attack. War is almost upon them. It must happen to wake up My inheritance. It will set things in motion as it’s all to fulfill biblical prophecy. Trouble will come to them more than they have ever experienced before and ever will again. I Am calling them back to Myself. It will be a difficult time but they are a stiff-necked nation. History will be repeated.” I asked about revival in Israel. The angel replied, “They are experiencing revival now. And more is to come. Their fruit will fill the whole earth, for everything begins with Israel. Remember, first for the Jew and then the Gentile.” He continued, “All must occur in order to fulfill prophecy. Continue to pray and intercede for Israel. My heart is that they return to Me fully; knowing that My Son is their Messiah, their final atonement who set them free.” 

Scriptures: Matt 24:15-21 Is 27:6 Ex 32:9 Act 7:51 Rom 1:16

Previous visions of Jerusalem burning #117, 122, 162, 173, 181, 241, 314, 334

I prayed then that Jesus would quicken the scriptures of Is 53 and that all of Abraham’s descendants would receive and believe that Yeshua/Yahushua is their true Messiah who died for them: Is 52:14 “Just as there were many who were appalled at Him-His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and His form marred beyond human likeness- so He will sprinkle many nations and kings will shut their mouths because of Him… Is 53:3-5 “He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces He was despised and we held Him in low esteem. Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”