Vision 389 – Walking in Loose Sand/The Cruise Ship/Rowing Against The Waves

Vision #389 June 5/23 Mon evg   Walking in Loose Sand/The Cruise Ship/Rowing Against The Waves

I began walking towards God’s temple and singing as I entered. It reminded me of Ps 100- to “…Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!” NIV.   Praise and thanksgiving is the password: “You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into His Presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him and affectionately bless His beautiful name.” Ps 100:4 TPT. I sang Joshua Aaron- You are Holy,  as well as Joshua Aaron’s rendition- How Great is Our God –

I began to intercede for many issues; one in particular is the enemies agenda regarding pride month and now sadly, “pride season” as Canada’s Pm Trudeau has announced.  I’m declaring June is God’s month- as He is the Creator of all set times and seasons.  (Dan 2:21) And we are the pride of the Bride- the Ekklesia in Jesus Christ- the Bride of Judah. He is our identity. Hear me roar!

Vision: I was returned to the crossroads area where there was a wilderness surrounding my straight and clear path. I had a close-up of an area right beside the path on the left side. I was walking in loose and soft sand which was difficult to do as each step found me sinking in the sand where my entire foot became covered. I only took a few steps. I thought I was in my wilderness and was supposed to be there. But I see that Jesus is walking on the path beside. And my last step found me on solid sand, like it had been watered and became hardened. As Jesus stood on the path He then extended His hand to me.

Interpretation: Part of the understanding of this interpretation came after the last vision of the row boat was shown to me and also after some insight from Heidi. Jesus allowed me to walk a few steps in the loose sand to show me what was causing me to struggle and walk beside the path instead of on it. It’s not distraction or wrong assignments. It’s taking on burdens that are meant for me to intercede for but not to carry. If I carry the burdens and not give them back to Jesus, my walking will be labored. This is a form of striving- to carry burdens on my own rather than surrendering them back to the Lord.  Remember, Jesus said in Matt 11:30 “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  

Vision: Later I was shown a bench close to the right side of the path, just opposite of where I was standing on the left of the path. I chose to take Jesus’ hand and walk on to my path and then walk to the bench and sit down.

Interpretation: Taking the time to rest in Him will also give perspective. “Come to Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon Me and learn from Me for I Am gentle and humble at heart and you will find rest for your souls.” Matt 11:28-29

Vision: Jesus helped me get onto my horse and I joined others as we rode to the mountain. Sword drawn, I went up with an intensity and confidence. I noticed the smaller demons were avoiding me and I was ready for the larger ones but I didn’t take any on at this time. I was experiencing some righteous anger and felt like tipping some tables in the courts as Jesus did. I continue to intercede and try to love those who persecute and are deceived and let God contend with their hearts but it’s hard sometimes.  Our enemy is not flesh and blood but there are times I just want flip the table! (and yet there is a time for that, but only if God has called it, not from my own flesh.) More grace and patience please Lord!

 I found my eagle, got on and began to proclaim Ps 91 as we left the top of the mountain

Vision: It was daylight and I flew over a large body of water.  I was high above it with a birds-eye view perspective. I noticed a cruise ship below. The waves were fairly regular sized so nothing seemed to indicate trouble. So I asked Jesus, about the cruise ship. I understood that it was going to Hawaii. Then my perspective changed and I was at the ship’s level, behind it.  Jesus said, “They will be moving into troubling waters from a coming storm.” I was wondering if this is the cruise ship that I’ve seen in previous visions that capsizes but Jesus replied, “No, that’s a separate incident.”  I understood this cruise will come into troubled waters but the ship will not capsize. It is to motivate them to pray- bring them to their knees and remember God. Jesus gave a firm warning, “Don’t forget Me during the blessing. You have been set apart, so let your behaviour always reveal that. You don’t take a vacation from Me as You are always in My sight. Be prepared to give a reason for your hope.”

I understood that the situation becomes like a shaking or an awakening. Blessings come from the Lord and that includes vacations. We are ambassadors for Christ where ever we are.  James 1:17, 1 Peter 3:15, Heb 4:13

As I went down the stairs, Jesus accompanied me and we greeted my greeter group, passed the vision area to enter the Council of God room. ( I haven’t been there in a long time.) I briefly saw Prophet Sadhu who gave me some encouragement and instruction regarding my up and coming assignment. Jesus stood in the room while I was there but I didn’t hear Him say anything.

Vision: I returned to the vision area, joined the others and looked at the screen. It opened up to see someone rowing a small wooden boat. The rower was struggling against some bigger waves in open water. The waves would splash the rower and it was evident the person was having a difficult time. There was something large and white in the background but I couldn’t identify it. I understood that it wasn’t my focus. Then there was some confusion as the person who was rowing became Jesus. And while He was rowing I noticed a wet and shivering woman sitting in the front of the boat that I understood He had rescued. I then understood that Jesus was superimposed over the person who was rowing and that person is me.

Interpretation: I know that rowboats can represent ministry of self effort; doing things in your own strength. Jesus has clearly been trying to get my attention with the analogies of walking in the loose sand and rowing against the waves to reveal my struggle.  Rowing against the wave reveals I have allowed myself to carry the ministry and it became overwhelming and a very heavy burden. I have been reminded that when Jesus gives me burdens to intercede for and they get heavy, I must pray them through and then leave them at my altar or give them back for Jesus to deal with or carry. If I don’t give them back, I will struggle and carry them out of my own strength.

I understood I was the one sitting in the front of the boat facing Jesus, shivering because I became overwhelmed by the waves. Jesus superimposed over me as the rower, reveals that He is One with me; He in me and I in Him and is in the boat with me. And by His grace, He rescued me to show me that He is the only One to carry the burdens the One to row against the waves.  Remember, Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matt 11:30) Rick Joyner said that “When you are yoked with Christ, carrying the burdens that He gives you, He will be WITH you and CARRY THEM FOR you. You can only do His work when you are doing it WITH Him, not just for Him.” Pg 123 The Final Quest.

Just as Rend Collective sing in their song: “He’s our Rescuer”, I believe with all my heart that Jesus is the Rescuer for all those who I’m interceding for and me; who makes my ministry “chainless”, easy and light, as that’s His heart. The danger of carrying our ministry/burdens can cause burn out and even a departure from your calling. The enemy is always looking for a way to sabotage. He doesn’t want us walking in our anointing or completing our assignments. May you remember to allow Jesus to carry all that He has given you and that you are to do it with Him not just for Him.   

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